Do You Use The Seven Strategies To Bust The ShouldA WouldA Syndrome - ?I should-a got up earlier.

Can Religion on Earth Handle Discovering Intelligent Life on Other Worlds - Many human religions dictate that god created man and thus that makes mankind rather unique, special and in some cases religious doctrines claim divine.

Funny Replies That Work Online - If you have spend some time talking online, you know there are some question that women ask you all the time.

Will the United States Economy Implode - Some very negative people and anti-US folks believe that indeed the United States of America is on the verge of Bankruptcy, cannot control its Hispanic Populations and has a bunch of ignorant Bubba?s on its leadership board and throughout its popu.

Explain Yourself Te Reason Why Excuses Sabotage Your Success - Have you ever been in a situation where you were unable to make good on a promise or commitment? Perhaps you were late with a report to your manager, unable to take a child to the playground, or late for dinner with your partner.

Who Should Pay For Our Date - A woman may answer this question by saying, I don?t think so, me pay.

Transactional Communication - This morning a friend of mine introduced me to this term, transactional communication.

Does the Universe Test Us - "Do you believe that the Universe puts us through tests to help us move on along our path to riches and all the things we want?.

Hurricane Season Just a Stone Throw Away Now - Soon we will have nothing but Hurricane News on our Television Sets.

Hot Tips to Make Your Romance Sizzle - Is your romance with that special someone cooling off? Do you worry that the spark is going to go out? Look no further.

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Safe Shopping

Almost everywhere we shop-from the toy store at the mall to an online linen warehouse-we are asked to provide personal information. Some stores ask for a zip code or phone number at the checkout. Online sites may demand more,

Folks in the country sometimes have more keys than fingers, so this Ekcessories key fob makes a great stocking stuffer. Dividable sections help keep keys separated for ease of use. PRICE: $6; AVAILABLE AT
Do you love the convenience of online shopping but worry about who might be grabbing your credit card information? The truth is, using your credit card anywhere puts you at risk. Anyone who handles your credit information is a potential thief. But the Internet somehow instills greater fear. As we'll see,
Do you derive pleasure from pressing innumerable buttons on your touch-tone keypad just to get an answer to a simple question? How about logging on to a Web site and clicking aimlessly around, deluged with pop-up ads, to learn more about your long-distance account? Do you get a real kick out of being a target of cross-promotion?
Shopping Online Safely, There can be real advantages to shopping online: Prices are sometimes cheaper and product selection greater; it's often easier to find information about a particular product; parking isn't an issue; and the Internet is open 24 hours a day. But online shopping also has inherent risks and disadvantages,